Sunday, April 16, 2006

Γράμμα σε μια φίλη

Παρακάτω είναι ένα e-mail που έγραψα σε μια φίλη στον Καναδά. Είναι totally honest, δεν έχω αλλάξει τίποτε (μόνο που έβγαλα κάτι). Θέλω να δω τι θα γίνει αν βγάλω όλες μου τις σκέψεις στη φόρα. Here it is then (with a sigh).

Hello gelafren
I just checked my e-mails and it's the perfect time to answer cuz Makis is out and Aggeliki is playing with a friend of hers. I just came back from the gym and I was thinking about calling my friends. I'm in a very good mood lately. It's the holiday of course and I'm not tired at all. It's spring at last and I feel better and it shows. It's the first time in years people are flirting me again and I'm flirting back. Nothing serious, just innocent play, but I enjoy it all the same feeling desirable and good looking. (I've lost some kilos too now that I work out, 5 since January and I'm still losing). My latest hobby is the blogging thing and I get a lot of appreciation from there too, people I don't know, telling me about my writing and reading me, and wishing me well.
As for Makis we are OK, our regular routine. ....................(censored)........... I think I've resigned to the fact that this is as much as he can give right now and if it's not enough for me I'll have to look elsewhere (friend, hobboes etc). He gets things totally out of proportion that's why he's so prone to getting depressed. I think if he wasn't with me he would be in serious trouble. Today for example he had a flat tyre and he totally freaked out, standing in the middle of the street and holding his head with both hands and yelling how things like that happen only to him. Hello, I wanted to tell him, it's just a tyre! He wanted to find a tyre shop (voulkanizater) right there and then (it was Kiriaki ton Vaion today). When I suggested that we do it tomorrow since we don't have school and there's a place we can fix it near our house he started shouting that we would mess the car and that he wanted to tidy everything up. Can you believe him? Anyway I didn't pay much attention and then he calmed down and came to his senses. After that he was all smiles and tenderness.
I'm happy about you and M. He seems like the man that could be with you my friend. I hope he comes to his senses too and realize what he's missing. I mean I don't understand what this man could possibly ask for that he already hasn't got with you? Fantastix sex, he's got, a sensible woman who doesn't break his balls, he's got, an independent, practical woman who even has her own set of tools, he's got, what for goodness sake does he want?

OK, don't worry about tax forms etc. I'll send them as soon as they are ready


Stathis and/or Maria said...

Αααααααααα βοήθεια!! Θα βγάλεις όλες τις σκέψεις σου στη φόρα;;;;

Annabooklover said...

Don't worry, be happy!

Anonymous said...

Ρε Αννα, πάλι καλά που δε ξερω και τοσο καλα αγγλικά,και βαρεθηκα να μεταφραζω...Αλλα να πάθει τέτοιο χουνέρι με το λάστιχο!!! τσ τσ τσ ,
τι να πω, βάρα ζωή άπονη..
Ασε μη γελάω γιατι εχω περασει και γω περίοδο φρίκης,και το συναισθημα ειναι πάνω της λογικής.Να βάζεις λάθος κλειδί στην πόρτα και να γαμοσταυρίζεις για ενα τέταρτο.. Ολα θα γίνουν καλυτερα τωρα με το καλοκαιρακι θα δεις...

Annabooklover said...

Εγώ είμαι μια χαρά όπως κατάλαβες Τέτη μου.

τσέλιγκας said...

Πάντως μια φορά που μ'έπιασε λάστιχο μ'ένα φίλο μου προσπαθήσαμε να το δούμε σαν πιτ στοπ της φόρμουλα 1 και να το αλλάξουμε σε χρόνο ρεκόρ. It's the side that matters...

Annabooklover said...

Συμφωνώ Τσέλιγκα. Και άμα έχεις καλή διάθεση μπορείς όλα να τα δεις με χιούμορ.

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